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3 Video Hacks to Skyrocket Client Success and ROI (TODAY!) | Pirsonal

Corporate Marketing Ideas

3 Video Hacks to Skyrocket Client Success and ROI (TODAY!) | Pirsonal

Does your video marketing agency truly deliver concrete business results for your clients? Unfortunately, many don’t, even though they produce visually stunning videos that clients love.

Participate in the “Maximizing Video Impact: 2024-2025” report survey today and benchmark your agency:

Sometimes, a client’s “goal”, while seemingly perfect on paper, might not translate to the most effective video strategy.

Prioritizing flawless execution over strategic planning is a recipe for mediocre results.

A beautiful video with zero strategic foundation is like a sports car with a flat tire—it looks great, but it goes nowhere.

So, what then? In this video, Josías De La Espada, CEO at Pirsonal, shares 3 ideas based on his experience working with both agencies and brands, mostly in personalized video marketing campaigns at scale.:

1. Ask as many “why” as you need to. Many agencies and clients stay in the “what” stage, which simply leads to another video but not to tangible business impact.

Clients want a new video for a campaign. Why? Is it to drive brand awareness, an increase in sales, and more customer loyalty? All this needs to be backed up by numbers.

Understanding the “why” allows you to craft a video strategy that connects with the context of the audience.

2. Challenge the recipe (strategy and supporting content), not the chef.

Sometimes, the client’s “vision” for a video might not be the most effective approach.

Instead of simply saying “yes” to every request, agencies should be comfortable presenting alternative solutions, data-driven insights, and strategic tweaks that maximize video impact for tangible, measurable business impact.

3. Go beyond metrics.

Great videos are not only visually appealing; they also deliver measurable results. Therefore, metrics are essential to support specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that are designed to achieve specific business goals. All of this is built upon a team’s and business’s vision.

Clients have access to tools to create videos, but strategic know-how remains a valuable differentiator video and marketing agencies can provide.

The “Maximizing Video Impact: 2024-2025” report comes in here. You can participate in the survey today:

Once we have analyzed all the responses from experts like yourself, you’ll be able to:

– Elevate your agency’s strategic thinking.
– Contribute to shaping the future of video marketing.
– Demonstrate your expertise to clients.

Ultimately, it’s not just about creating the most attractive video; it’s about creating the video that gets results. And this is something we love doing at scale at Pirsonal with our personalized video software.

00:00 Intro
00:36 Common errors made by video and marketing agencies
02:02 Why Josías knows this: Working with agencies and brands in video personalization campaigns
02:18 Agencies and brands overlook the objectives of video campaigns
02:56 Recommendation 1: Challenge your clients by asking “What’s the purpose or goal behind this?”
04:05 Recommendation 2: Prioritize strategy over execution
06:05 Recommendation 3: Go beyond video marketing metrics
07:23: Survey for agencies and in-house creative teams

► Personalized video software:
► Connect with Josías De La Espada:

#videomarketing #videoproduction #agency

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